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How to Decide Which Level of Care Your Loved One Needs

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People come to seniors homes for many different reasons, but one of the most common ones we see at Lifesprk Senior Living is our guests and their family members wanting the very best care and attention for their health concerns. Different issues require different treatments, however, and that can impact your lifestyle and suite choice at your care home.

Let’s go over the 4 major factors in deciding which level of care works best for you.

Memory Disorders

Memory disorders are on the rise in America and they are often the major reason that individuals move in with us. These conditions, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, can require support as medication, meal preparation, cognitive therapy, or assistance.

Whether you’re just starting to see the symptoms like misplacing objects or forgetting words, or you’re further along with the condition and need regular assistance, you need a community with a simpler layout so you don’t get lost and a team of experts who will make sure you are comfortable and safe.


Managing medication can be a challenge for anyone, especially if it requires multiple doses at different times of the day. If you are an especially social person who enjoys staying busy, then you may even forget to take your medications altogether.

Missing medications can have serious consequences, though, so look for a care home that has a medication management program and relax in your new suite as a professional manages your dosages for you and takes all the stress out of maintaining your medication regime.

Physical Therapy

Going outside and enjoying the sun on your face and wind in your hair can be all it takes to make your day great. If you need a hand to travel and enjoy all that life has to offer, though, you need a team that is dedicated to helping you maintain your physical strength and freedom.

If you are struggling with mobility issues or need regular physical therapy to stay active, be sure to find a care home with plenty of wellness classes and opportunities to help you experience the great outdoors.

Assistance with Daily Chores

We all need help from time to time to get through the day, whether it’s because a shelf is too high, the pots and pans are too heavy, or the laundry machines are too low to reach. Just because you don’t need regular medical attention doesn’t mean you couldn’t use a helping hand, and that’s what Lifesprk Senior Living is all about.

If all you need to get through the day is the occasional help with preparing dinner, doing laundry, or any other chores, your best bet might be an assisted living home that focuses on independent living and providing you with occasional assistance to help you enjoy your day.

Nobody has the exact same medical needs as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean you should settle for a community that has plenty of amenities but none of the medical services you require. If you’re looking for a dedicated medical staff who will help you with all your needs, give the team at Lifesprk Senior Living a call today at 800-783-7390 or visit us online and speak to a staff member about the many different levels of care we are happy to provide.

The post How to Decide Which Level of Care Your Loved One Needs appeared first on Harrison Bay Senior Living | Lifesprk Senior Living.

Written by Lifespark

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