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How Assisted Living Adapts to Changing Needs of Seniors

A senior holding a white mug smiles thoughtfully as they look out the window in their assisted living community.

The needs of today’s seniors are not the same as they were 10 or even 5 years ago. Advances in medicine, evolving cultural values, and an increased focus on holistic health have created a new landscape for senior care. Assisted living communities have stepped up to meet these changes, providing innovative services, environments, and resources […]

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5 Benefits of Arts & Crafts for Seniors

A group of seniors indulging in fun art and craft session.

Retiring in a senior community comes with many benefits. For example, many retirement communities include different services or programs to keep residents happy, healthy, and enjoying their golden years. Art therapy is one program that holds some surprising benefits for seniors. This doesn’t have to be an organized program; even the opportunity to create art […]

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What Is the Difference between Independent Living and Assisted Living?

A group of seniors in an independent living community is enjoying afternoon tea together.

Though it may appear to be a difficult transition, moving a loved one into a senior living community can actually provide them with newfound freedom and improved social life. Whether they want to be as independent as possible or need assistance with daily living tasks, there is a place for them. But which environment is […]

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