Our Community at Minnehaha in Minneapolis

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Live the Life You Want

We’ve designed Minnehaha Senior Living to blend the comfortable familiarity of home with the comprehensive support you expect from community living. Our compassionate staff are highly trained and fully certified to ensure you’re getting the exceptional care you deserve.

We want Minnehaha to be a place where you can live your life however you want to. We offer a robust calendar of activities alongside gorgeous amenities such as a grand bath with a whirlpool spa, cafe, and library.

Whether you need additional daily support with assisted living or are seeking a safe place for a loved one with cognitive impairments, we’ll find you something just right.

Our Rich History

Minnehaha is a proud member of the Lifespark Senior Living community, which has locations all over the United States. Founded as 5 Midwest skilled nursing centers in 1989, Lifespark has since grown to over 40 communities all over the country!

As a part of Lifespark Senior Living, Minnehaha’s offerings are focused on the individual’s needs and wants. The 7 Dimensions of Wellness are the foundational elements we use to develop and implement programs that work for various lifestyles.

We’re devoted to improving the lives of our residents through unparalleled standards of care and compassion.

Our Mission

Spark Lives and Empower Seniors to Age Magnificently

Our Commitments to You

Respect Everyone For Who They Are & Who They May Become

Our residents are what makes our community so unique, and we operate so they know precisely that. We treat all community members and their loved ones with the utmost consideration and respect, from greeting everyone by name to ending every interaction with a smile. We value making our residents feel completely at home at Minnehaha.

At Minnehaha, we know that every person who walks through our doors is unique in their own, wonderful way. We encourage our residents to express their individuality and provide the support they need when they need it. We’ll always work with a sense of urgency to ensure all residents feel safe and heard at all times.

Ensuring every member of our community has the chance to share their ideas and feedback is important to us. We work hard to continually learn and update our offerings to suit a range of needs and lifestyles better so we can serve our residents better. We always promise to work hard to resolve concerns, apologize where necessary, and never make promises we can’t keep.

Why Choose Minnehaha?

Allowing our residents to socialize and build lasting relationships is important to us. We offer a robust calendar of dynamic programming that is continuously updated to include everything you might want.

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We understand that each resident is unique in their needs, wants, and values. So, we offer flexible lifestyle options that allow you to find your perfect balance of support and independence without ever sacrificing excitement.

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Our staff are highly trained and fully certified to give every resident the compassionate care they deserve. We aim to help you live a comfortable, happy lifestyle focusing on your overall health and wellness.

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Discover What Minnehaha Has to Offer

Visit Our Community

We can’t wait to show you what makes our beautiful community so great. Find us on the corner of 23rd Avenue South and East 38th Street, across the street from Sisters’ Sludge Coffee Cafe & Wine Bar.


Email Us

Our Address

3733 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Call Us

Phone: 651-571-8104

Our Office Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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