Events at Minnehaha in Minneapolis

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Stimulating Activities & Engaging Events

Communal living is a unique experience in that it allows residents to socialize and create meaningful, lasting relationships. We encourage social interaction through a calendar full of dynamic programming that appeals to a variety of lifestyles.

We’ve developed an inviting atmosphere so it’s easy for our residents to take advantage of our events and activities. However, participation is never mandatory. If you or your loved one prefer to engage in more solitary activities, like watching a film or playing cards with a friend, we’ll happily make that happen.


Why Choose Minnehaha?

Allowing our residents to socialize and build lasting relationships is important to us. We offer a robust calendar of dynamic programming that is continuously updated to include everything you might want.

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We understand that each resident is unique in their needs, wants, and values. So, we offer flexible lifestyle options that allow you to find your perfect balance of support and independence without ever sacrificing excitement.

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Our staff are highly trained and fully certified to give every resident the compassionate care they deserve. We aim to help you live a comfortable, happy lifestyle focusing on your overall health and wellness.

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Discover What Minnehaha Has to Offer

Visit Our Community

We can’t wait to show you what makes our beautiful community so great. Find us on the corner of 23rd Avenue South and East 38th Street, across the street from Sisters’ Sludge Coffee Cafe & Wine Bar.


Email Us

Our Address

3733 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Call Us

Phone: 651-571-8104

Our Office Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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